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Oddusuddan Thanthontreeswaram temple

One of the famous Thanthonri Eeswaram Temple (main deity was not man-made) in the Mullaitivu District in Sri Lanka. A person cleared the jungle and cultivated maize. After harvest, he collects the stubble and use to set fire to them. One day to his surprise, he found although fire was set to the stubble, the center of the area did not burn. It was cleared and found a statue of Siva Lingam. This is the reason this God Siva statue is called “Thanthonriyeeswarer” because it was not constructed by anyone. The Vanni Chieftain of that principality soon founded a temple to Thanthorisver at the site where the Lingam was first discovered. Later on, with the assistance of Government officers who served in this district and other well – wishers it was rebuilt. After the British rule this temple was renovated many times. It is situated 25 km from Mullaitivu bus stand. Take A34 route from Mullaitivu bus stand – Mulliyawalai – Kulamurippu - Oddusuddan town – to the temple. It is in the Oddusuttan DS Division. 

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