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Fort Hemmenheil

The attractive little fort was constructed by the Portuguese and named Fortaleza do Caes. It is built in an unusual circular design from solid coral stonework and has two internal levels. The height of the walls is approximately four and a half metres. The fort stands on a small sand bank between the small islands of Karainagar and Kayts and the sole navigation channel from the sea to the lagoon on which Jaffna stands.

The fort came under Dutch control during the siege of Jaffna in 1658 when, after a fortnight of bombardment from the shores, their wooden rain water tank was smashed. Hammenhiel was regarded by the Dutch as the key to Jaffna and it was specified that the garrison of 30 should all be Dutch.

Aware of its weakness, the Dutch built a huge reservoir which they paved with bricks from their homeland. The fort was surrendered without resistance to the British in 1795

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